New Arrival


Quite recently we have had a new addition to the family, a tortoiseshell cat called Polly! Although we don't know her background as we got her from 'Cat's Protection' she is one of the friendliest cats I have ever met. She is a really flighty Cat meaning she might have abused before she came to our house, She is forever getting scared from all manner of noises, especially the telephone and closing of laptops as well as loving the sound of her food rattling, using this to summon her from the back field or wherever she is lurking outside. 
One of the first photos and I still think this is the best one, her being completely natural and not knowing she was getting a camera shoved placed in front of her face.

I find it so cute when she is really tired and will snuggle up with me on the sofa, it's like having a little baby  without the pain of giving birth. Despite her being a really adventurous cat, she never fails to keep clean unless...
This photo was taken one morning (she usually goes out at night and sleeps through the day) she came home covered in some sort of muck, we think it might have been oil. Sitting next to her favourite cupboard (the food one) I thought it was a perfect time to take a snap.
Most people I know are more 'Dog people' and they don't know how great Cats can be, as well as not having to walk them, you can let them out for the day and they can do whatever they want, they can catch their own meals and don't necessarily depend on being looked after as they can more than likely look after themselves. A cat offers great company and trust and they are truly a brilliant pet to have.

I would truly recommend getting a cat especially from a charity company such as 'Cat's Protection' or your nearest animal refuge (where we got our last cat) because I find the Cats are a lot more loving compared to ones which you get in a Pet Shop as they have possibly been mistreated so the really show love to somebody who love them back.

Thank You :) 

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